Taqneen Solutions: https://www.taqneen.com

Labbaik Global: https://labbaik.com

Konya Metropolitan Municipality: https://www.konya.bel.tr

Konya Chamber of Commerce: https://www.kto.org.tr

KTO Karatay University: https://www.karatay.edu.tr

Lawyer Mustafa Limoncu: http://www.mustafalimoncu.com

Miray Thermal Hotel: https://www.miraytermalotel.com

İkraa Foreign Trade Inc.: http://www.ikraa-dis.com

Yüzyıl Building Decoration

Yüksel / Yerkel & Partners  Law Office: http://www.yyplaw.com

Vera Electromechanical Energy and Industry Inc.: http://www.veraelektromekanik.com

Arı Defense and Aviation Inc.: http://www.arisavunma.com.tr

By Anadolu Global Health & Medical Tourism: http://www.byanadolu.com

Numanoglu Furniture: http://www.numanoglu.com

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